In November of 2016 Mount Doug celebrated its 85th with a combination of events.
DOUGS Talks – alumni, staff & students speak about their passions
MUSIC – students & alumni performing
ART – show student & alumni work
SPORTS DISPLAYS – from past & present
CLUBS DISPLAYS – past & present
POETRY CAFÉ – students & alumni
The Rambucks Canteen will offer coffee, tea and snacks.
85th Birthday Cake Saturday afternoon
The celebration included DOUGS TALKS (Dynamic Opportunities to Unite Grads & Students), modelled after TED talks, where staff, students or alumni shared a passion or topic dear to their hearts.
180 more photos are in the YouTube video at the bottom of the page.
Jack Lowther, past MD teacher & principal 1954-1979 Fossilized Material Delivered by a Fossil
Lizzy Blundon, MD 2005 class The Brain Without Behavior: Current Issues in the Assessment of Consciousness
John Sumner, teacher & students Aviation Takes off at Mount Doug
Rob Wager, 1978 Shares His GMO Research
Stef Barber, 2002 How a Mud Puddle Changed the Direction of My Life
Dave Cowen, 1984 The Power of Collaboration
Shawn Boulding, current Principal Technology in the Classroom
Justin Lo, 2017, Kiki Xiao, 2019 & Daniela Velasquez, 2017 B.O.B.A. – the experiences of 3 Mount Doug International Students
Bernie Kidd Interviews Stan Gill About Track And Field At Mount Doug